fimmtudagur, 27. október 2011

On the road . . .

I'm off to the NMRA MER Convention in Cary, NC today. I'll be there through the weekend. Hope to see some of you there! I'm bringing along my drawing tools and graph paper and plan to spend some quiet time this weekend working on (finally) drawing a trackplan . . . we'll see how that goes!

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sunnudagur, 2. október 2011

Stand-in Vermonter

I ran across this USRA Light 4-8-2 lettered for the Southern New England Ry. the other day and decided to see how a passenger train would look on the bridge. This is a "Stand-in" for the CV's Vermonter - my plan is to run it on the layout with a CV RS-3, but that's another project that's not done yet!

I liked the picture (which was literally a "grab shot" with my iPhone!) so much I thought I'd post it here. 

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