þriðjudagur, 29. mars 2011

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Upcoming appearances

online club I have two appearances coming up where I discuss the Central Vermont Ry project  - one "live" and one online. 

A few weeks ago, Chris Abbott and Jim Lincoln of Model Rail Radio podcast (www.modelrailradio.com) interviewed me. Among other things, we discussed the changes I have been making to the layout and the plans for the railroad moving forward. I'm not sure when the link to that conversation will be posted, but keep an eye out for it. 

About that "live" performance. The next clinic I'll be giving will be at the Potomac Division one-day "MiniCon" in Annandale, VA, just outside the Washington DC beltway, on Saturday, April 2. In addition to myself, you'll have a chance to hear a clinic from my good friends Andy Sperandeo, Paul Dolkos, and Bernie Kempinski. Andy is going to talk about his tips and techniques for building resin freight car kits. Paul will present an update on his new Baltimore Harbor District Railroad, and Bernie will be offering his clinic on modeling Civil War Railroads. Also, Norm Wolf will be premiering his clinic on going from a freelanced "beginners" layout to a prototype-inspired RF&P layout. 

If you're in the area be sure to check it out. More information and details can be found on the Potomac Division web site - http://home.comcast.net/~Potomac_NMRA/

Hope to see some of you there! Hasil gambar untuk model train for beginner

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