þriðjudagur, 10. apríl 2012

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Spring Cleaning

online club Every year I find I have more "junque" than I have room for. And this year is no exception. This year I'm selling some assorted resin freight car kits that I know I'll never get to, or they are the wrong era, or are duplicates of items I already have.

I'm also selling a few craftsman structure kits - including a couple of South River Modelworks kits that simply won't fit on the layout, but may be perfect for yours.

Rather than clutter this blog with a list, I'll simply ask if you're interested to drop me an email at mjmcguirkATcomcastDOTnet (replace the CAPS with the appropriate symbols). Be sure to include "Layout Spring Cleaning" as the subject line - I'll send you a list by return email.

Marty Hasil gambar untuk model train for beginner

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