fimmtudagur, 13. september 2012

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Trees and Sunlight Over the Peninsula

online club I've been spending a lot of the time I usually waste in front of the television twisting pairs of florist wires to create foreground trees. I manage to twist a few dozen pairs during the news or while watching something with Christine. Time I'd normally be "wasting" has been put to good use.

And, I'm happy to report there's enough light over the lobe end of the peninsula to actually see things. When I got home from work I installed the first of a number of fluorescent lights planned for the layout room to replace or supplement the can lights. For this one, I replaced a can light with a single four-foot fluorescent T8 fixture. I chose to go with "daylight" bulbs rated as 5000K - which is the approximate light temperature of the sun. The result is a lot of light over the peninsula (and the rest of the layout now looks really dim by comparison) - so I can proceed with the alterations to the peninsula secure in the knowledge I can actually see what I'm doing!

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