þriðjudagur, 27. nóvember 2012

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Before and After - Cleaning House Part III

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As I mentioned we had family visiting for an extended time over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was great to see everyone, but the fact that half of the basement was doubling as my son's temporary "bedroom" while he surrendered his usual room to the grandparents meant not a lot got done on the layout. But my mom was looking for some way to help last weekend, so she volunteered to sort out my modeling desk and the set of shelves that I use to hold various layout-building materials.Here's the before shot of the top of my modeling desk. Wonder if my lack of productivity over the last few months had something to do with the fact that I couldn't find anything.  Naah!! That couldn't be it. 
After a LONG Sunday afternoon of sorting all the tools, paint, parts, models, etc . . . here's how my modeling desk looked:

What doesn't show is the inside of the drawers - they're just as neat and orderly as the top. I can't wait to build my next model since I can actually find things!
Thanks mom!

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