föstudagur, 29. mars 2013

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To-Do List - Spring Update

online club Back in mid-October I blogged about my then current layout to-do list. 

In the interest of keeping me honest, here's the current status: 

1. Improve the layout lighting throughout the room. Investigating several options. 
Complete. We ended up adding a number (ten) two-tube fluorescent T-5 fixtures. The difference is huge!
2. Realign mainline track on one side of peninsula (there's a strange track alignment that the guys suggested looked odd enough to be reworked. Of course, this will require some modification to the foamboard surface of the layout, but shouldn't be too bad) - (Estimate 2 evenings)
Modifying the mainline was easy, but this project got a little out of control, and I ended up moving a hillside, extensively reworking the scenery behind Waterbury, adding two new rivers, and several hundred trees.  All in all, this task has taken considerably longer than the estimate, but it's been far more involved than simply realigning some track.
Track work is completed, and most of the rough scenery is completed. This project was deferred to finish up the layout wiring. Currently, I need to complete a second river side mill building in order to do the final scenery contour in this area. 
3. Add coal trestle siding to Everett. Again this will require some modification to the terrain, and some track modification. To fit the coal trestle siding in place may require lengthening the passing siding slightly and handlaying a turnout on the south end. - (Estimate 4 evenings)
Complete - All the track is in place in Everett. 
4. Essex Junction trackwork - Three more turnouts to handlay - then the remaining spurs need to be installed. - (Estimate 4 evenings)
5. Drop feeders in WRJ yard - (Estimate 1 evening)
6. Feeders in Everett, Essex Junction, and north-end staging - (Estimate 3 evenings) (Note: includes running a new length of buss wire).
7. Bridge street overpass (abutments, bridge, and track needs to be complete so I can get to the WRJ passenger station area - (Estimate 2 evenings)
8. Install yardmasters desk in WRJ (John Paganoni is building this for me, but it will need some time to install - (Estimate 1 evening)
Desk complete, needs to be installed. 
 Of course, I also got the entire mainline in, extended the north end staging yard, and got the entire railroad wired with three DCC districts. Some of these tasks are thanks to the help from a great group of fellow modelers. 
This may look like I have nothing left to do on the railroad. Nothing could be further from the truth! I'm not ready to create another "to do" posting, but wanted to close this one out!
Next to-do list will focus on the tasks I want to get accomplished for a test session and for the upcoming MER Convention open house in October. 

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