föstudagur, 5. september 2014
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Layout design
Track plan
White River Junction
Layout Design: White River Junction in a single-car garage
If you've ever wondered how to get all four legs of a four way junction "live" (trains can actually arrive and depart on each one of them) consider this sketch for White River Junction my friend and well-known layout designer Iain Rice was working on. At the time we thought we might be moving into a house that didn't have a basement suitable for a model railroad, but it did have a 10 x 20 one-car garage. This White River Jct. plan never made it past this preliminary sketch stage, but I'm fairly certain Iain used the staging approach for a plan in one of his Kalmbach books.
I came across it the other day and thought I'd post it here.
If there's one thing I'm not entirely happy about with the current layout it's the staging at the two ends of the railroad - I doubt the answer lies in the arrangement shown here, but I came across this plan the other day and thought I'd post it here in case you've ever pondered how to capture much of the action, if not all the tracks, at White River Junction.
Layout Design: White River Junction in a single-car garage
I came across it the other day and thought I'd post it here.

Layout design,
Track plan,
White River Junction
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