sunnudagur, 1. febrúar 2015

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Cleaning house�yet again!

online club I took the day off from layout progress yesterday and headed up to the Great Scale Model Train Show at Timonium Maryland. 
I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that I simply have too much stuff - a lot of which I realistically don't need for this layout and will never do anything with. 
I've done both the eBay or "For Sale" group routes to get rid of excess stuff in the past - but frankly it's been a lot of effort to pack and ship things, the process seemed never ending, and I had less than satisfying experiences on places like the model railroad sale Yahoo Groups. 
Since I'm not looking to make a profit on any of this stuff I find the best way to move it out from underfoot is to get a table at the Timonium show. 
So yesterday I did just that and spent the day converting my unneeded stuff into cash. I also had a chance to catch up with a lot of friends, some of whom I haven't seen in several years. 
Thanks to Stic for his help (and his purchases!). All in all a great time, and considering how little I came home with the show was a great success!

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