fimmtudagur, 4. júní 2015

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Wordless Wednesday #95 - The Story Behind the Story....

online club
When I went to the Naperville RPM meet in October I took one of those "bargain" airlines that sell you a ticket for $49 DC-Chicago... and then charge you extra for everything from a cup of water to a suitcase... a "carry on" was included and since I was only staying one night I packed very minimally.

Of course at the show I bought some new kits and a few books...and I went up to the room to pack my bag and every time I tried I ended up with one thing not fitting - since the milk car kit was an old F&C kit I bought for $15 I almost pitched it. Then I remembered Pierre Oliver, proprietor of Elgin Car Shops was doing his clinic in less than an hour. So I went to the clinic and gave him the kit to bring home with him.
He delivered it to me on Friday at the Collinsville, CT meet. He did an excellent job on the model - so much so that I wanted to show it off. Since I was at the meet I put the car out on a table in the model display room. Got some nice compliments on it and I hope it drummed some business up for Pierre.

But the story doesn't end there - Pierre was also kind enough to bring me another winterization hatch to finish my ongoing RS-3 project. He put the part in the kit box.

When I was getting ready to pack up on Saturday the car was there but the box - with my winterization hatch - was no where to be found. I was beginning to suspect the milk car was somehow cursed, or at least didn't care to travel.

Pierre bailed me out with another box and some wrapping so I could get the car home in one piece.

Luckily the box turned up at some point (I suspect a local fellow accidentally piled it in with his stuff and realized it when he got home...) Dave Owens is sending the part to me so all is right with the world and order has been restored to the known universe.

Hasil gambar untuk model train for beginner

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