miðvikudagur, 19. ágúst 2015

Wordless Wednesday #102

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miðvikudagur, 12. ágúst 2015

Wordless Wednesday #101

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þriðjudagur, 11. ágúst 2015

The miniature world(s) of John Ott

On occasion I run across a model railroading blog or web site that's just so cool that I feel compelled to share it. 
The web site is John Ott's model railroading web site - it includes a number of sections devoted to his previous layouts, and his current effort (if you're a fan of H. P Lovecraft you're in for a big treat!)
What I admire about the layouts is not only the modeling chops John displays but how creative he is with both the themes and techniques. That model of the Salem, Mass station is alone worthy of close study! 
The presentation and design of the web site are also top-notch. 
I hope you enjoy exploring this site as much as I have. Pour yourself a beverage and click on the image of the home page below to start exploring this truly outstanding model railroad site: 

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miðvikudagur, 5. ágúst 2015

Wordless Wednesday #100

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sunnudagur, 2. ágúst 2015

Transitions and more countryside

Although I've been doing a fair amount of thinking and planning in the White River Junction section of the layout progress has been continuing on the other end of the mainline in between Williams Creek and Everett. 
Since Everett will include several structures I want to create some sort of "scenic divider" between the pastureland north of Williams Creek and Everett proper. So I glued some foam in place and carved it to shape. The rock cut and rock outcroppings on the hill are made from Cripplebush rubber rocks. This is the first time I've used these but I'm impressed with how easy they are to work with. I also like the "out of the box" color though I'll likely add some oil paint washes to give them a little more shadow and highlights. 
Certainly beats plaster molds!
At this point I've gotten the basic hill carved to shape and the rocks installed and blended into the hillside with Sculptamold. 

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