þriðjudagur, 27. desember 2011

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A couple of blogs and websites worth a look

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My friend Pierre Oliver is modeling the Wabash in Southern Ontario, (I know, weird but true, the Wabash went to CANADA!!!) circa 1951.  You can read his layout building exploits here.
Pierre is also a custom freight car builder � and is one of the best resin car builders out there.  His car building business is �Elgin Car Shops� and is worth checking out. 

Jason Fontaine has a very, very nicely done layout called the Southern New England Railroad.  Yes, we�re both aware that our freelanced railroad names are a little too close for comfort but no matter -� Jason�s railroad is really nice. 
The railroad was featured in MR a couple of years ago, and since then Jason has been hard at work expanding the railroad.  There's photos of the layout of Jason's SNER here and his blog chronicles his efforts at expanding his version of the SNE. 
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