þriðjudagur, 20. desember 2011
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Peninsula Campaign
Scenery; Trees
Trees, Trees everywhere
One thing you need when you model a New England railroad is trees - lots of 'em. In my case they come in two distinct categories - foreground trees, ones that are "stand alone" items - and "filler" trees. I decided to spend some time over the last few evenings adding some of those "filler" trees to the area between the mainline and the backdrop. I've started "grassing up" the area between the mainline and fascia edge as well.
This is an example of "large scale" modeling - not in the proportion but in the amount of material needed. I didn't count how many individual Supertrees are now planted on the layout, but it took most of Sunday afternoon to prep the trees, paint them, and install them. I think the time was well spent since this portion of the layout is at last starting to look a little more complete.
Trees, Trees everywhere
Background trees added to the long neck of the peninsula. This helps break up the joint between the modeled railroad and painted backdrop. |
Next step is to add the texture (static grass and the like) between the track and fascia. |
Peninsula Campaign,
Scenery; Trees
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