sunnudagur, 17. nóvember 2013
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Welcome to Everett sign
It's a friendly place to hang your hat.
Welcome to Everett sign
It's a friendly place to hang your hat.
I was making some signs for the Waterbury feed mill (see previous post). While shaking the rust off my Photoshop/Illustrator skills I decided to make a "Welcome" sign for Everett.
I spotted the prototype sign - as campy as they get - outside Bellows Falls a number of years ago. I didn't take a picture of it at the time, but thought it was neat. I forgot all about it until I came across a picture of it on the internet!

Problem is I don't have Bellows Falls on my layout. Some work with the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop erased the "Bellows Falls" lettering. I also cropped the oddly shaped "wood" frame painted around the perimeter, and fixed up "father's" tie, shirt, and jacket.
Adding the letters to spell out "Everett" - with some drop shadows - completed the sign.
This will end up "painted" on the side of a barn at the outskirts of town�.I may even have the local police cruiser hiding behind the barn�a real "Welcoming Committee."
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