fimmtudagur, 25. september 2014
Layout Alterations - further simplifications
When I started the layout I planned to have Essex Junction as my "main" yard scene. Then as the design process progressed I found I could include White River Jct., a scene I really wanted to include, in the "main yard" area - and I relegated Essex Junction to the end of the "rear" aisle. I managed to get the track to fit - of course we didn't have the wye, (I included two legs of the wye), and the train shed and station were on the wrong side of the town relative to the prototype.
I managed to get most of the sidings in place - but the problems really started when I tried to fit the structures into the scene. There was just no room for them.
Not helping matters was the track issues in Essex. Frankly, I rushed the track work in an effort to get it ready for an open house, and ended up with some kinked track that worked - sort of - and stayed in gauge - sort of. But I was far short of 100% operating reliability - the issue was simply too much was jammed into that portion of the layout.
Here's a couple of shots showing Essex Junction - as you can see there's a LOT of track crammed into this alcove.
So I've decided, somewhat reluctantly to remove Essex Junction.
What's going in its place?
Richmond, VT., the station between Essex and Waterbury that had slipped between the floorboards during the design process.
To give you an idea of what this will look like here's a preliminary sketch of the track plan for Richmond. I reserve the right to alter this as we make this change, but the result will hopefully be a simple scene that is interesting to view and photograph.
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I managed to get most of the sidings in place - but the problems really started when I tried to fit the structures into the scene. There was just no room for them.
Not helping matters was the track issues in Essex. Frankly, I rushed the track work in an effort to get it ready for an open house, and ended up with some kinked track that worked - sort of - and stayed in gauge - sort of. But I was far short of 100% operating reliability - the issue was simply too much was jammed into that portion of the layout.
Here's a couple of shots showing Essex Junction - as you can see there's a LOT of track crammed into this alcove.
So I've decided, somewhat reluctantly to remove Essex Junction.
What's going in its place?
Richmond, VT., the station between Essex and Waterbury that had slipped between the floorboards during the design process.
To give you an idea of what this will look like here's a preliminary sketch of the track plan for Richmond. I reserve the right to alter this as we make this change, but the result will hopefully be a simple scene that is interesting to view and photograph.
Essex Junction,
Layout design,
miðvikudagur, 24. september 2014
miðvikudagur, 17. september 2014
þriðjudagur, 16. september 2014
Lessons Learned
I've built four relatively large model railroads (more accurately, I've started construction, only two have ever reached operational status) in the last two decades. Here's what I've learned from the process of building them:
- Large home layouts are not for everyone.
- Just because you have the space, filling it is not always wise.
- Plan your resources (time, space, and money). Make sure you have all three in sufficient quantity to ensure success before starting the project.
- Too many "shortcuts" can produce a �Catalog� layout - give your layout a personal stamp, even if it means making it smaller.
- There�s nothing worth watching on television (except the New England Patriots, of course . . .). So commit to doing something on a regular schedule (Even 15 minutes a night can result in real progress!)
- Consider trading money for time for certain tasks (decoder installation).
- Fewer, less intense scenes can look more realistic AND often require less time per square foot.
- If you have a �work crew� the ideal is have each member specialize.
- Minimize the mess
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- Large home layouts are not for everyone.
- Just because you have the space, filling it is not always wise.
- Plan your resources (time, space, and money). Make sure you have all three in sufficient quantity to ensure success before starting the project.
- Too many "shortcuts" can produce a �Catalog� layout - give your layout a personal stamp, even if it means making it smaller.
- There�s nothing worth watching on television (except the New England Patriots, of course . . .). So commit to doing something on a regular schedule (Even 15 minutes a night can result in real progress!)
- Consider trading money for time for certain tasks (decoder installation).
- Fewer, less intense scenes can look more realistic AND often require less time per square foot.
- If you have a �work crew� the ideal is have each member specialize.
- Minimize the mess
föstudagur, 12. september 2014
The Ambassador in Waterbury
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The Ambassador in Waterbury, P. R. Hastings photo, courtesy Mr. Robert C. Jones |
For me, it was this Phil Hastings photo of the Ambassador going through Waterbury.
I was at a Navy training school in Newport, RI and decided to take a much needed break from studying the innards of the ALCO 251C engine in a marine application to seek out some nearby hobby shops. At the time I was happily modeling the Central Vermont - the railroad that I knew from the 1970s and 80s - lots of green, black, red, and blue Geeps and ALCO RS-11s (ironically, equipped with the same 251C that I was studying).
I wandered into a local hobby shop and noticed a six volume set of hardcover books on the Central Vermont. As I flipped through Volume V of Robert C Jone's "The Central Vermont Railway" I stumbled across this Phil Hastings photo printed across a two-page spread.
Sure, I'd been to Waterbury, and had taken photos of trains from much the same spot that Phil was standing on that day back in 1954. But what was missing when I went there was something I can only call "texture" of the steam-to-diesel transition era.
I bought the book (eventually I'd obtain the entire set, which I consider a "must have" for the CV fan) and have to say it was that book - primarily that photo - that turned me from being content to model "today" to modeling the same railroad as it used to look.
I suppose it should come as no surprise that Waterbury, more specifically the angle of that Hastings photo was a scene I wanted to capture in miniature "front and center" on the railroad.
I need to tweak some of the angles, and the water tank and station might need to be a little further apart but even though the scene is unfinished I thought I'd share it here.
fimmtudagur, 11. september 2014
White River Junction Scene Planning
My posts over the past week on White River Junction ("WRJ in a Garage" and "Lessening the Mouse Hole Effect") produced some email requests for more detail information on the track arrangement at my HO scale version of this iconic New England railroad junction.
To those who don't know, White River station sat in the middle of a wye junction with four "legs" (For an aerial view of White River in the 1950s see this post:
(1) A joint CV/B&M (technically it was CV to Windsor, then B&M south from there...) down the Conn. River Valley towards Springfield, Mass.
(2) The B&M "Northern" Line to Boston,
(3) The B&M (with CPR trackage rights) line up the Conn River Valley towards Wells River, Vt and ultimately Berlin, NH and
(4) The CV mainline north through Vermont to Montreal (by way of St Albans and the CNR).
Although it was a busy junction for the CV, the majority of the trains were B&M.
In many ways, the entire layout hinged on whether or not I could include White River. Knowing that it was going to be tricky I built this mockup back in February of 2009. For those keeping score, that predates the double-deck version of the railroad. I tried a number of options to get all four legs of the junction "live" on my layout, but the resulting plans always ended up with lots of staging to represent the various B&M lines, and required placing the station and junction in the center of the room - preventing me from modeling some of the other things I wanted to include.
I could see no way to make it all fit so I opted not to model White River Junction, primarily because of that obsession with making all the lines "live."
So I started building a double deck railroad representing a completely different portion of the CV - then in December of 2010 tore most of that out and started again.
And once again I wanted to include White River Jct.
The design for my current layout started with the photo of that mockup from 2009. Only this time I remembered I'm modeling the CV - not the B&M. So the only B&M trains I model are those that interfaced directly with the Central Vermont. All the others (and there are many) I ignore.
This radically simplified the staging requirements. On my layout the big hole in the wall leads to the joint B&M/CV "South" staging yard. The track to the far left will lead into another hole and into the B&M's Boston staging tracks - currently the South End staging yard is stub ended but I'm seriously looking into connecting the south staging tracks and B&M Boston tracks to form a loop in the utility room.
What of the other two routes?
In my case, the CV mainline continues past the WRJ yard and on to the rest of the railroad.
The line to Wells River, which is behind the station in the overall view, is a dummy track - it crosses the B&M Boston line (protected by a ball signal) and then continues north aboiut 5 inches until it traverses my railroad's steepest grade - 54" straight down to the floor!
miðvikudagur, 10. september 2014
þriðjudagur, 9. september 2014
Lessening the mouse hole effect
Taking a break from working on Waterbury structures to offer a planning/construction tip.
Frequently on model railroads track passes through walls. Typically the mainline leaves the scenicked portion of the railroad and heads into a staging yard in a separate room. That's the case near the White River Junction station on my layout.
Modelers frequently disguise these openings with highway overpasses, buildings, and the like. But in my case no such options were available.
Let's face it, we're not really fooling anybody into believing the train isn't going through the wall. What we need to do is lessen the impact of the track heading into a dark mouse hole.
The easiest way to ease the transition is to maintain the same light levels and type of lighting on both sides of the opening.
The photos (underlie purposely to show the effect) illustrate what I mean.
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The train emerges from a darkened staging yard. What's the first thing your eye sees in this view? The scratch built station? No, it's the cavernous black hole. |
Modelers frequently disguise these openings with highway overpasses, buildings, and the like. But in my case no such options were available.
Let's face it, we're not really fooling anybody into believing the train isn't going through the wall. What we need to do is lessen the impact of the track heading into a dark mouse hole.
The easiest way to ease the transition is to maintain the same light levels and type of lighting on both sides of the opening.
The photos (underlie purposely to show the effect) illustrate what I mean.
mánudagur, 8. september 2014
Mocking up Waterbury
I've decided to focus my modeling efforts on the Waterbury "front door" scene until it looks "done." Key to this project is scratchbuilding a number of structures that are based on specific prototypes. I've already completed the Seabury Feed Mill and the old two-story freight house. Before I got too far ahead of myself it seemed to make sense to nail down the dimensions and locations of the other structures. The first building I turned my attention to was Demeritt Cannery, which is located alongside a dedicated spur within thetrack that circles the end of the peninsula. I started by scaling the basic dimensions from a Sanborn Map
to create an outline of the building. It quickly became obvious a "full size" building wasn't going to fit, and even if it did it would overwhelm the scene.
From the prototype photos of the building (above) I know basically what the structure looked like. It has four "sections"
1. The one story section with the covered truck dump
2. A three-story section
3. A two story section
4. A gambrel roof can warehouse
I figured as long as I capture these sections the resulting model will look "right" even if it compressed from the extremely long prototype.
I adjusted the mockup - it's much easier to use tape, scissors, and scraps of paper now than to make changes to an under-construction styrene model later! One change I made was to move the truck dump to the left to clear the track. It's a minor change that also allows the other end of the structure to be placed further than the curved mainline track. You'll also note I didn't mockup all the other lumbersheds and other buildings - there's plenty of room to add them on to the layout, and they'll be scaled to the "main" building so mocking them up isn't as critical.
Once I had the final footprint for Demeritt I turned my attention to the Derby & Ball complex.
This structure will be located across the tracks from Demeritt between the edge of the layout and mainline. Since it's a foreground structure I went a step further and drew plans (I use the term loosely!) for the walls on a piece of paper to check access points and viewing angles.
I started with the building scale width, but quickly found the resulting model would have completely filled the space between the siding and fascia - no "breathing" room. I checked various widths by simply folding the paper mockup until I had a width that would allow me to include the correct number and placement of windows (I may use windows smaller than the prototype to keep the proportions correct).
I'll use the resulting mockup to create the outline of the walls and windows directly on the .060" styrene subwalls. But that's another story.
Is the time I spent (roughly 2-3 hours while watching/listening to football games on TV) worth the effort? I think so - I can proceed forward with this section of the layout confident that the buildings will fit and will look right.
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to create an outline of the building. It quickly became obvious a "full size" building wasn't going to fit, and even if it did it would overwhelm the scene.

1. The one story section with the covered truck dump
2. A three-story section
3. A two story section
4. A gambrel roof can warehouse
I figured as long as I capture these sections the resulting model will look "right" even if it compressed from the extremely long prototype.
I adjusted the mockup - it's much easier to use tape, scissors, and scraps of paper now than to make changes to an under-construction styrene model later! One change I made was to move the truck dump to the left to clear the track. It's a minor change that also allows the other end of the structure to be placed further than the curved mainline track. You'll also note I didn't mockup all the other lumbersheds and other buildings - there's plenty of room to add them on to the layout, and they'll be scaled to the "main" building so mocking them up isn't as critical.
Once I had the final footprint for Demeritt I turned my attention to the Derby & Ball complex.
This structure will be located across the tracks from Demeritt between the edge of the layout and mainline. Since it's a foreground structure I went a step further and drew plans (I use the term loosely!) for the walls on a piece of paper to check access points and viewing angles.
I started with the building scale width, but quickly found the resulting model would have completely filled the space between the siding and fascia - no "breathing" room. I checked various widths by simply folding the paper mockup until I had a width that would allow me to include the correct number and placement of windows (I may use windows smaller than the prototype to keep the proportions correct).
I'll use the resulting mockup to create the outline of the walls and windows directly on the .060" styrene subwalls. But that's another story.
Is the time I spent (roughly 2-3 hours while watching/listening to football games on TV) worth the effort? I think so - I can proceed forward with this section of the layout confident that the buildings will fit and will look right.
föstudagur, 5. september 2014
Layout Design: White River Junction in a single-car garage
I came across it the other day and thought I'd post it here.

miðvikudagur, 3. september 2014
mánudagur, 1. september 2014
Waterbury Freight House 4: Two story "old" freight house
Completed basic construction of the two story "old" freight house in Waterbury. Next step will be to complete the single story "new" freight house and then the Shelby Coal sheds. I used basswood for this one - never going to use it again! This project only confirmed how much I prefer styrene for scratch building structures.
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